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Every successful professional association provides an environment where networking, continuing education, peer support, advocacy, and professional development can thrive. The Louisiana Library Association has provided this environment since 1925. The Louisiana Library Association's main objective is to promote library interests of the State of Louisiana.

Since the primary objective of the Louisiana Library Association is to promote the library interests of the State of Louisiana, the following major goals have been established to assure the best possible library service:

  • To keep members of the profession informed at all times of developments in the library field.
  • To promote interest in the library materials about Louisiana and to encourage their production.
  • To encourage and promote scholarship in the field of library science
  • To recruit individuals to the library profession.
  • To continue to provide high quality library services, collections, and facilities, which are fully adequate to support instruction, research, self-education, and pleasure reading in order that the citizens of Louisiana may be well-informed and able to achieve full self-development.
  • To develop alliances with other associations with similar professional interests.

Pierre the Pelican: Official Mascot of LLA



13610 Barrett Office Dr., Suite 108, Ballwin, MO 63021

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