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The Association is proud to present scholarships to qualified graduate library students. Donations from members, alumni of the Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science, and friends fund the LLA Scholarships. Trustees of the LLA Scholarship Fund - A Trust, a separate nonprofit corporation of the Association, manage and invest the funds to awards scholarships.

LLA Scholarships

The Louisiana Library Association awards scholarships to Louisiana student during their  full-time study toward the Master's Degree in Library Science at Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science.

LLA Scholarship Application

Mary Moore Mitchell Scholarship - funded by a donation from Howard J. Ekbald, president of Library Interiors, Inc. of Metairie, Louisiana. It is awarded by the Scholarship Committee for part-time study and has the same requirements as the LLA Scholarship.

Mary Moore Mitchell Scholarship Application

The recipients of the LLA scholarships and the Mary Moore Mitchell scholarship are selected by the Scholarship Committee with the advice of the faculty of the Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science.

Educational Foundation of the Trustees Section Award 

The Education Foundation of the Trustees Section of the Louisiana Library Association was established in 1985, and awards one-year scholarships to employees of public libraries in Louisiana during their part-time or full-time study toward the master's degree in library science at the LSU School of Library and Information Science. Applications and selection are under the direction of the Louisiana State University School of Library and faculty. Additional information about the Educational Foundation of the Trustees Section Award and other financial aid may be found at the LSU SLIS website.



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