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Association Committees are appointed for the purpose of carrying out the work of the association. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, appoints these Committees, as well as the Committee Chairs. Please refer to the LLA Manual for further information on the charge and responsibilities of these Committees.

Interested in serving on a committee?

Fill out a standard committee volunteer form or an awards committee volunteer form


Each Section may also have Committees established to carry out the work of that particular Section. Each Section has Committee Chairs.

LLA currently has 16 standing association committees:         

Anthony Benoit Mid Career Award

To recognize a Louisiana librarian in mid-career for outstanding contributions to the field of librarianship.

Committee Members
Chair:  Erin Chesnutt, 2021-2024 

Abagail Desoto, 2021-2024 
Lindsey Reno, 2022-2025
Will Olmstadt, 2021-2024 

Essae M. Culver Award

To honor a librarian whose professional service and achievements, whose leadership in Louisiana association work, and whose lifetime accomplishments in a field of librarianship within the state merit recognition of particular value to Louisiana librarianship.

Committee Members
Chair: Kate Martin 

Elizabeth Batte, 2021-2023 
Brittney Hargrave
Melinda Matthews, 2021-2024
Michelle Parrish, 2022-2025
Vicki Nesting, 2022-2025 


To review the annual budget for submission to the Executive Board. To review quarterly budgetary and financial statement supplied by fiscal officer. To advise the Board on long range financial and investment planning. To keep abreast of all fiscal issues facing the Board and serve as financial advisors to the Board. 

Committee Members
Chair: Jessica Styons, Treasurer

Lora Amsberryaugier, 2021-2024 

Kenya Iverson, 2023-2026
Melainie Sims, 2021-2024 
Jessica Styons, 2022-2025 

Angela Dunnington, 2021-2024 

Intellectual Freedom

To defend the right and responsibility of the publicly supported library preserve the freedom to read, as stated in the "Library Bill of Rights" adopted by the American Library Association.

Committee Members
Co-Chair: Michael Russo, 2022-2025 

Co-ChairTiffany Whitehead, 2023-2026 

Co-Chair: Raven Creech, 2021-2024 

Leslye Gilchrist, 2022-2025 

Courtney Stortz 2021-2023 

Jessica Styons 

Amanda Jones, 2023-2026 

LLA Meritorious Service Award

To publicly recognize an individual who has demonstrated sustained and exemplary leadership and service to further the development, services, visibility and/or policies of LLA.

Committee Members
Chair: Janelle Zetty, 2022-2025 

Trevor Collings, 2022-2025 

Louisiana Literary Award

To promote interest in books related to Louisiana, to encourage their publication, and to keep informed on the release of such books.

Committee Members
Chair: Elissa Plank, 2022-2025 

Kayla Kalnasy, 2024-2026 
Zachary Stein, 2021-2024 

Modisette Award

To recognize excellence in Louisiana school library programs, rather than honor an outstanding school librarian.

Committee Members

Elementary School Libraries
Chair: Sherry Carver, 2020-2022 

Middle School Libraries
Chair: Lovie Howell, 2021-2023 

Amanda Jones, 2020-2022 

Junior/Senior High School Libraries
Chair: Elizabeth Kahn, 2018-2020 

Leslye Gilchrist, 2021-2023 

LaKiesha Graham, 2021-2023 

Amy Wander, 2018-2020 

Public Libraries
Chair: Don Smith, 2019-2023 

Bianca Roberts, 2021-2025 

Jennifer Seneca, 2021-2025 

Meg Placke, ex officio 

Public Library Trustees
Chair: vacant position

John Tuggle, 2021-2023 

Celise Reech-Harper, 2021-2024 

Mary Jo Cooper, 2021-2024 

Meg Placke, ex officio 


To initiate resolutions. The committee will act without bias or prejudice on the proposed resolutions and will have the power to review and edit the proposed resolutions for presentation in an acceptable format. It may refer resolutions to appropriate individuals, committees, or sections for study. It may also reject resolutions for being poorly prepared, inappropriate, or in conflict with the LLA Constitution, Bylaws, or policies. The committee will approve only those resolutions deemed to be important to the LLA membership.

Committee Members

Chair: Kayla Kalnasy, Parliamentarian, ex officio 


To plan and make arrangements essential to the efficient conduct of the activities of the annual conference of the Association.

Committee Members

Conference Chair: 

Ellen John

Theresa Tademy 


Chris Lorenzen

Jessica Styons

Kayla Kalnasy 

Local Arrangements: 

Sarah Jackson

Erin Ware

Alicia Jefferson

Program Chairs: Nat Heck, Emily Horan

Elissa Plank

Amy Bernard


Kara Heck

Trina Kirk 

Technology Coordinators:

Ra'mon Wheeler

Bryce Tomlin 



Communications and Social Media

To advocate for intellectual freedom, diversity, equity, and inclusion. To support the work of librarians and library staff. To regularly promote the work and ideals of the Louisiana Library Association. To advertise programs and conferences and encourage participation and attendance at these events. 

Committee Members
Chair: Sonnet Ireland, 2022-2025 

Academic: Katherine Williamson, 2022-2025 

LaSSAL: Trina Kirk, 2022-2024 

Public: Chris Achee, 2022-2025 

Public: Victoria Cienfuegos, 2022-2024 

Public: Clara Anne Madison, 2022-2024 

SLIS: Lindsey Lutgring, 2022-2025 

Past-president/Ex Officio:  Lora Amsberryaugier, 2023-2024 


To maintain the written history of the Association on an annual basis and shall include: Significant Executive Board action, Sections, Awards, Conference, Publications, and Committees. To compile and submit to a database to ensure availability to all members of the Association, the names of the General Officers, Section Officers, Award winners, Conference theme and site and dates.

Committee Members
Chair: Angela Dunnington, 2021-2024 

Zachary Stein, 2021-2024 

Melanie Sims, 2022-2025 

Caitlin Cooper, 2021-2024 

Michelle LeBlanc, 2022-2025 

Jeremy Bolom, 2022-2025

Elissa Plank, 2024-2026 

Connie Phelps, 2024-2026


To enlist the necessary support for successful passage of laws (federal, state and local) tending to promote library interests. To enlist necessary opposition to bills injurious to library interests. To develop plans yearly for a State Legislative Day, including a workshop for training of participants.

Committee Members:
President: Kenya Iverson, 2023-2024 

First Vice President/President-Elect: Chris Achee, 2023-2024
Second Vice President: Amy Bernard, 2023-2024 
State Librarian: Meg Placke, ex officio 
ALA Councilor:  Amanda Jones, voting ex officio 

LOUIS for Leg. Councilor: Laurie Blandino, ex officio 

Member-At-Large: Christopher Achee, 2022-2025 
Public: Celise Reech-Harper, 2023-2024
Academic:  Janelle Zetty, 2023-2024 

LLA Scholarship Committee

To solicit funds from School of Library and Information Science alumni, association members, industry, and other sources. To administer the scholarship award.

Committee Members
Chair: Vicki Nesting  

Paula Clemmons, 2021-2024 
Kaci Wilson, 2021-2024 

Jodi Duet, 2022-2025 


To solicit and stimulate membership.

Committee Members
Chair: Kayla Kalnasy, 2021-2026 

LaSSAL: Christopher Bienvenu, 2022-2025 
Public: Michelle Blanchard LeBlanc, 2022-2025 
Sub Specialist:  Erin Ware 2023-2026
Academic: Montie Dobbins 2023-2026
VP/President-elect: Chris Achee, ex officio 


To prepare a slate of two or more nominees, each of whom meets the qualifications stated in the Bylaws, for each elective office. 

Committee Members

Chair : Public/Trustees, Alicia Jefferson, 2022-2025 

Academic/Subject Specialists, Raven Creech, 2022-2025 
School Librarian, vacant position

LLA Scholarship Trust

To be responsible for the guardianship of the funds of the LLA Scholarship Fund - A Trust.


Web Oversight


Advocate for a content-rich and engaging website that benefits the Association and its members. Propose new content areas to the LLA Executive board for inclusion on the Association's website. Ensure that pages are up-to-date and error-free. Submit content and corrections to the association management team/web administrator. Ensure that the website follows best practices in web design and advocate for website improvements to maintain a modern and attractive website.

Committee Members
Chair: Carrie Goodall, 2022-2025 

Amy Baptist, 2022-2025 
Ricardo Mesa, 2021-2024 

Katherine Rubin, 2022-2025 



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